Putting the Me Back in Lakshmi


Your host, Donna Peters, interviews mom, corporate executive and entrepreneur Lakshmi Natarajan.  Lakshmi  was asked by a mentor one day to draw a pie and carve out all the various slices of how she focuses her energy.  There was no pie slice for "me."  Lakshmi was fading as she balanced aggressive career goals, a dual-career marriage and motherhood. She had to make a change and shares with us here how she reset priorities and launched two businesses aligned to her core values: Excelador for business consulting and Travel Plus Them for families who wish to raise their children to be global citizens.

Donna and Lakshmi have a shared history.  They talk about some fun, head-shaking, eye-rolling experiences driving through the tough times together, what they learned, and how they came out the other side better people.

Lakshmi's core values are: 
1) the people I love
2) growth in all aspects of life
3) experiencing the world


A Well Designed Life


Hope is a Discipline