Our Scariest Moves Are The Most Fulfilling

The Me-Suite host, Donna Peters, dials in COO Alan Slavik from Spain to talk about learning, change and growth.  Alan is a thought leader on mentoring--how to seek mentors and be a mentor--and hosts Mentors Who Made Me.  Alan challenges us to be life-long learners and experience-seekers.  He packs so much wisdom into such a short time, including:

  • Enjoy the process of learning (not just the outcome)

  • It's normal to feel discouraged when you're learning something new and being stretched. It's not normal to stay discouraged, so that might be an indication to look for something new.

  • The most fulfilling career opportunities are often when we're most scared

  • People want to change; they don't want to BE changed

  • Embrace the big decisions in your life with confidence

Alan has visited over 50 countries.  His core values are relationships, openness/discovery, being a citizen of the world, being present in the moment, always be learning.


What's the Right Time for a Career Coach?


Lead Like You're Jazz, Not Classical