Lead Like You're Jazz, Not Classical

The Me-Suite host, Donna Peters, interviews the C-Suite Whisperer, Lisa Finkelstein.  Lisa has advised over 1000 C-Suite leaders across 30 countries.  She sees the leader's key role as bringing out the best in others.  Lisa shares tips on staying true to your core as a leader, stepping out the way to let others shine, and clearing a path for people to be successful.   She helps us get into the hearts and minds of leaders, especially in the face of the latest world challenges.  She helps us recogize that leaders are being challenged more than ever and face their own insecurities and doubts during these times.

Lisa leaves us with several memorable nudges:

  • recognize that low self-confidence at times is an asset for a leader

  • try new things

  • nothing is permanent except change

  • go for the dream

Lisa's core values are: creativity, curiosity, clarity, connection, compassion, courage, truth


Our Scariest Moves Are The Most Fulfilling


People Rise to Your Expectations of Them