The Me-Suite

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Trapped In the Bored Room at Home? 4 Fresh Ideas

This short episode highlights 4 new, fun things to do with family and friends in this time of physical (not social) distancing.  Each idea helps us flex our Me-Suite muscle:

1) Core Values: an exercise to do with the whole family.  Identify the core values you have in common as a family and those that are unique to each of you.  An energizing activity that will pull you closer together across all ages.  If you're old enough to talk, you're old enough to think about your core values.
2) The 5 Love Languages: a discussion with partners and those closest to you.  This sounds so cheesy, but it's really cool.  Which of the 5 love languages makes you feel loved and appreciated? How you like to demonstrate your love and appreciation is often NOT how the other person likes to receive acts of love and appreciation.  You will be surprised at what you learn about each other.
3) Virtual Pajama Party: use video to connect with friends in a casual way with no make-up, no agenda--just like a pajama party.  BYOB.
4) Gardening with Kitchen Scraps.  It's time to start gardening even if you don't have an outdoor space to do so.  Tips for sprouting foods right in the kitchen.  Fun, educational and eventually edible.

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