Servant Leaders Ask "How Can I Help You?"

Donna Peters interviews Nicole Tranchitella, Senior Managing Director at Accenture, servant leader, wife, mom of 3 and a member of Donna's personal Board of Directors.

Who is emerging as a true leader in your life at these turbulent times?  Servant Leadership isn't about an org chart or a hierarchy.  Servant Leadership is a mindset we need now more than ever in our professional and personal lives.  Nicole shares what it means to be a Servant Leader and how we can all start to build a muscle of servant leadership by asking "how can I help you? A feel-good listen!


--Nicole's Core Values: stewardship, gratitude, integrity, family
--Nicole inspires us to ask "how can I help you?"  She reminds us of the power of a thank you and the encouragement of a "keep me" folder


Listener Q&A: What Personal Board Do You Need Right Now?


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