Coaches help achieve goals
Coaches help you achieve goals.
After 3 sessions with an instructor and really getting in the groove, I froze with fear when I went out on the mountain by myself. I had a holy trinity of holy s&%t:
--don't hurt yourself
--don't hurt other people
--snap out of it, what's the matter with you
I was reminded of just how powerful a coaching relationship can be. I did such great work with Nick. He knew I could do it. I shredded it when he was watching, so I should be able to shred it when no one's watching, right?
I repeated his words of encouragement into my spitty balaclava. I put my eyes on the downhill target, took a deep breath, and off I went.
If you're trying something new this year, wanting to break out of a rut, or pursuing a stretch goal, consider a coach. Studies suggest your probability of achieving a goal increases 95% when you have a coach. Even if those studies are only half-right, I'll take those odds.
Coaches help.