My Top Mentor's Morsels: Work on Yourself First

Donna Peters interviews her mentor and friend, Adele Gulfo, career C-Suite leader and Board Director.  Adele is a member of the Committee of 200 (C200), an invitation-only organization of the world's most successful women business leaders.  She has dedicated her career to the healthcare industry as a C-Suite leader across geographies and functions.  Her leadership roles have spanned executive suite positions across strategy, business development, innovation, general management and launch.  She serves on multiple Boards in the biopharma arena.  

Adele was Donna's first experience shadowing a leader who transparently worked at balancing an aggressive career and strong family priorities while keeping a focus on physical health.  Donna learned so much early in her career from this mentor and is thrilled to share Adele's uplifting perspectives with the listeners.


  • Adele takes listeners through the process she went through to identify her Core Values.  She shares an energetic perspective on the value of the Core Values exercise and how to conduct it for yourself if you're not sure where to start.  Adele's Core Values are Vitality, Achievement and Harmony

  • To thrive in a career, leaders need positivity, a solutions-oriented mindset and listening skills.  These are the softer skills, which are often the harder skills to master.  And it's the softer skills that drive both the business and its people

  • There is nothing more valuable than working on yourself.  Work on yourself first.  Do the Core Values exercise, work with a coach, be prepared to let leaders know what drives you, so they can help you get what you want and need

  • You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with.  Make sure it's the right people

  • Adele offers advice, especially for female listeners, to ensure you get P&L experience in your role rotations.  P&L experience is highly sought when appointing Board members, and companies need more female Board members


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