Shape the Future You Want

Having a Chief Learning Officer (CLO) mindset is critical to staying fresh and relevant for the future you desire to have.  Donna Peters interviews Brian Mitchell, a true renaissance man.  He is the Chief Learning Officer for next-generation C-Suite leaders and truly the CLO in his own Me-Suite.  Brian is head of the Emory Goizueta Business School full-time MBA program.  Graduate of Morehouse, Emory and Harvard.  CEO. Entrepreneur.

3:07 Brian's Core Values: education, pragmatism, patience, visionary, globalism
- 11:04 How to have a Chief Learning Officer mindset to stay fresh and relevant for the future you want to have.  Continuous learning not only increases intelligence, it builds confidence and trust
- 23:30 What you can start doing Monday to build a CLO mindset
- 32:47: Brian challenges the listeners to bring a global, world-view mindset to all we do

James E. Ryan, author of Wait, What? And Life's Other Essential Questions is referenced in the discussion.


What Are Your Core Values?


A Growth Mindset