Mindset Matters to this C-Suite Leader

I interview Keith Hausmann, Chief Revenue Officer at Globality and Founder of Procurian.  Keith is a dad and entrepreneur who has held multiple C-Suite positions at small and large organizations.  I thought I'd be interviewing him on his Procurement and Supply Chain areas of expertise.  Instead, I got a much more valuable "master class" on how to keep things in perspective and be mindful no matter what you do.

Keith's leadership lessons include:

  • Have an accomplishment mindset and focus on today--what will you accomplish today?

  • Know how to tell your story

  • Be deliberate about your legacy

  • The body is the temple of the mind

  • Life is too short to not have fun

Keith's Core Values are:

  1. Do everything with pride and commitment

  2. Treat others as you'd want to be treated

  3. Go with the flow

  4. Keep an open mind


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