The Me-Suite

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How to Communicate the Unique You

Donna Peters interviews Professional Actor and Communications Coach, Connan Morrissey.  Connan has performed on stage across the US in leading roles and coaches executives and next-generation leaders on executive presence and how to have impactful communications.  She has an MFA in Acting from UNC-Chapel Hill.  


  • Communication skills are just like any skill--you need to practice to build the muscle

  • Add someone to your personal Board of Directors when you're ready to work on something specific related to your Communications skills

  • GOOD communication is clear, intentional, knowledgeable.   EXCELLENT communication transforms the audience, is confident, humorous and uniquely YOU

  • Rehearse literally means "to re-hear."  Rehearse your story.  In high-stakes situations. Don't memorize it.

  • Tips for taking the focus off of yourself and worrying "what do I do with my hands"

  • All this video time is good and forces us to be more succinct and direct

  • Connan's Core Values: Curiosity, Connection and Adventure

Connan recommends the following resources to watch and learn from EXCELLENT communication and storytelling:

@sirpatstew  - SIr Patrick Stewart Reads Shakespeare's Sonnets on TwitterLiz Lerman -  - Liz Lerman’s Critical ResponseFather Greg Boyle -   His book is Tattoos on the Heart

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