Time to Call a Family Meeting?

Donna Peters interviews Sissi Chen Jennings.  Sissi shares how to think like the Chief Strategy Officer of your own life.  She sees that the rigor used by Chief Strategy Officers (CSO) actually gives us more flexibility.  For a CSO mindset, Sissi advises us to:  

  • set your personal vision and direction (and as a family if others are involved)

  • define a plan to achieve the vision

  • check in on that plan with family meetings

  • know when to say "no" if something isn't aligned to your vision

Sissi's Core Values are: Family, Responsibility, Achievement, Personal Growth.  Sissi wisely acknowledges there are times our core values may be in conflict with each other and shares how to work through those uncomfortable moments.

Sissi is a career strategy consultant and founder of Xi Strategies & Coaching.


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