A CFO Counts 5 Elements of a Happy Life

Donna Peters interviews career Chief Financial Officer, Kelly Battles.  This episode offers so much in such a short time.  Treat yourself to this episode. 

Learning from the early death of her mom and the immigrant experiences of her father, Kelly shares both nature and nurture stories--and practical tools--for how to lead a balanced, happy life. 


  • We each need a Mission (purpose), Values and Goals.  Set personal Goals annually, and be forgivingly intentional / intentionally forgiving about your progress against them.

  • The amazing role of the CFO (historian, futurist, policeman), and what we can learn from the CFO mindset to enrich our daily lives.

  • The 5 Elements: Family, Friends, Faith, Work, Me

  • As a female working in male-dominated everything (Finance, Tech Start-ups, Harvard MBA, Investment Banking, Consulting), Kelly shares the necessity, and the power, of being your authentic self in everything you do.

Kelly's Purpose: Lead a happy life and leave things better than you found them.
Kelly's Core Values:

  1. Life is short.  Make each day count.

  2. Balance

  3. Authenticity

  4. Be Accountable and Hold Others Accountable

  5. A Positive Attitude Matters


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