A CFO Counts 5 Elements of a Happy Life
Donna Peters interviews career Chief Financial Officer, Kelly Battles. This episode offers so much in such a short time. Treat yourself to this episode.
Learning from the early death of her mom and the immigrant experiences of her father, Kelly shares both nature and nurture stories--and practical tools--for how to lead a balanced, happy life.
We each need a Mission (purpose), Values and Goals. Set personal Goals annually, and be forgivingly intentional / intentionally forgiving about your progress against them.
The amazing role of the CFO (historian, futurist, policeman), and what we can learn from the CFO mindset to enrich our daily lives.
The 5 Elements: Family, Friends, Faith, Work, Me
As a female working in male-dominated everything (Finance, Tech Start-ups, Harvard MBA, Investment Banking, Consulting), Kelly shares the necessity, and the power, of being your authentic self in everything you do.
Kelly's Purpose: Lead a happy life and leave things better than you found them.
Kelly's Core Values:
Life is short. Make each day count.
Be Accountable and Hold Others Accountable
A Positive Attitude Matters