Our Leadership Behavior DNA

Donna Peters interviews Chair and CEO of DNA Behavior International, Hugh Massie.  Hugh is an author and most recently published, Leadership Behavior DNA. Discovering Natural Talents and Managing Differences.


--Hugh's Core Values: Reliability, Openness/Mutuality, Courage
--Hugh shares how our own leadership behavior DNA brings unique strengths and struggles that we must manage both professionally and personally.  He also discusses how understanding the leadership behavior DNA of ourselves and others helps us discover our own natural talents and manage differences--at work and in our personal lives.

Hugh's experience is anchored in more than 25 years of research and working with Ph.D.s to develop world-class behavioral assessments that measure the natural talents that are unique to each person. These are the talents (strengths and struggles) that each person brings into the leadership role. Understanding them is the basis for the self-awareness needed to reach our full potential.


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