What’s on Your “How-to-Work-with-Me” List?

Thank you for the requests to reshare the almost-famous "how to work with Donna" list. I created this years back for onboarding new project teams as a tool for getting in my head. I also invited new team members to talk to people who'd worked with me to learn the jewels and warts.

I start with my Core Values: Curiosity, Freedom, Respect, Vitality, and Gratitude. Then I share the list:

1. No surprises. Overcommunicate.
2. You don’t have to have all the answers, but do you need smart questions.
3. Work expands to the time allotted, so focus.
4. Always have a point of view.
5. There is no such thing as an informal meeting.
6. Be able to explain complicated concepts to your grandmother. Only then do you truly understand it yourself.
7. Know your Achilles Heel. Everybody has one...or two.
8. There is nothing we accomplish truly alone. “We” is almost always a more accurate reflection of the way something got accomplished.
9. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes before you send an email, give feedback, present.
10. Be wise to when it's best to pick up the phone (versus email/text).

The next step is to ask the person to share their Core Values and their how-to-work-with-me list.

I promise it'll be a valuable exchange. Let me hear about it.


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