Remote Job Interviewing Tips
No animals were harmed creating this cartoon.
We’re all getting comfortable conducting business via video, but familiarity isn’t mastery. Do not underestimate the challenge of remote job interviewing. It’s a different art form that you can master with thoughtful preparation. Consider this checklist as you, or someone you love, prepares for that important remote interview.
Look at yourself: record yourself in advance to assess:
Camera angle and height
Eye contact
Distance from the screen
Sound quality with and without a headset
Hint: do not have a ceiling fan coming out of your head like a propeller
Prepare for the question traps that worsen on video:
Most interviews start with innocent questions that are often time-sucking traps, especially on video when you can’t easily interrupt people or read body language. DO NOT ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS LITERALLY. Instead, share your unique story by summarizing the themes that flow through the arc of your career--themes that brought you to today and make you uniquely relevant for this new role. Be prepared to take control of your narrative when you hear:
“tell me about yourself” or
“walk me through your resume”
Hint: This takes practice, so practice.
Find ways to engage like a 3-dimensional human being:
Look for signals, and send signals that help you connect like a human being via video.
Display the logo if you share the same alma mater, for example
Be thoughtful and well-researched in the questions you ask
Hint: Remember, interviewers want you to be THE ONE. If you’re the one, their role is so much easier. The interviewer is most often on your side until you give them a reason not to be.
Set the tone (how should the interviewer feel):
Select a background/setting that supports your personal brand
Dress according to your personal brand
Use good lighting
Hint: Whether real or virtual, your environment sets a tone, so be deliberate in your choices
Let logistics work for you, not against you:
Ensure stable WIFI (no duh, but shocking how much this is still an issue)
Agree a contingency plan for technology failures
Know the interviewer’s email and cell for last minute issues
Access the interviewer’s video link in advance to prep any settings
Have the mobile phone handy for back-up
Plan for quiet and solitude
Should you plan for screen sharing?
Hint: Can you reschedule the leaf-blowing? Can you stow away the pets?
For more tips, listen to these selected episodes of The Me-Suite podcast, short “suiteners” to help with the interview process. Available on all apps and through the links below.
Season 2 Ep. 31: The Best Job Interview Hack
Season 2 Ep. 29: Are you a Little LinkedIn Lazy?
Season 1 Ep. 33: What’s Your Point?
Season 2 Ep. 25: What’s the Right Time for a Career Coach?
Season 2 Ep. 30: How to Go After That Promotion
Share your recent experiences with remote job interviewing. Let us learn from you.