No one wins when you don’t delegate
The Case for Delegation in The Me-Suite
Delegation is a common challenge among my coaching clients. "It's faster to just do it myself." "I know others are so busy. I'll just do it."
Remember lessons from andragogy--the practice of teaching adult learners. Neuroscience shows that apprenticeship is the optimal method for adults to learn--the right balance of doing and thinking to utilize our brain's plasticity. Apprenticeship also enhances organizational agility.
We talk a lot about mentorship at work--being a mentor, having a mentor. These are critical, albeit EPISODIC, moments. We need the DAY-TO-DAY moments at work as well. We need apprenticeship. Apprentice comes from Latin for "to grasp, to learn." And we cannot have apprenticeship without delegation.
Create opportunities for others to apprentice around you, to learn and do. Delegate thoughtfully day-to-day.