Leaders Talk About Wellness

‘Wellness’ is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. 

I’ve had a standing meeting on my calendar since 2005 for time with a personal trainer. I pay for the accountability, encouragement and expertise. It costs money, but so do knee replacements and diabetes. It is truly the only me-time, in my present, for my future. 

I’ve curated The Me-Suite guests who’ve shared how they define and prioritize wellness in different ways for themselves and as leaders.  Listen to these 8 ways to wellness on all podcast apps and through the links below.

How do you keep your well-ness pumped?

Season 1 Ep 29: Resilience: Tips for Bouncing Back Better Than Before, Wilson Toussaint

Season1 Ep 38: My Top Mentor’s Morsels: Work on Yourself First, Adele Gulfo

Season 1 Ep 39: Gaining the Quarantine 15, Jason Rumpf

Season 1 Ep 44: Mindset Matters to this C-Suite Leader, Keith Hausmann

Season 2 Ep 1: Life’s a Funny Thing, Mac Hardcastle

Season 2 Ep 7: What Makes Us Well, Dr. Kara Nance

Season 2 Ep 4: Tell Them Yes, Donna Cryer

Season 2 Ep 12: A Well Designed Life, Dr. Kyra Bobinet


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Leadership Requires Personal Growth