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Estate Planning: A Pertinent, Enjoyable Listen

Donna Peters interviews Estate Planning attorney, Sarah Watchko, of Hill & Watchko, LLC.   This Estate Planning discussion is as accessible and enjoyable as it'll ever get.  And it's a timely topic as we face unthinkable circumstances and unknowns in our society. 

Who needs Estate Planning:

  • anyone over 18 years old

  • any adult with or without a bank account (it's not just about the money)

  • any adult (with or without children in the picture) (it's not just about kids and spouses)

Think like the Chief Legal Officer of your own life.  Take control with thoughtful estate planning. What happens if you're incapacitated?  If you die?  How will financial and medical decisions get made on your behalf?  How do want those decisions made?  What are your wishes for your stuff, your kids, your pets, your loved ones, your causes?   The truth is no one wants to have this conversation, but it's the conversation that unites every single one of us.  The only thing we all truly have in common is that we will not be here forever, and we don't know when it's our time. Let's start having these conversations from a position of strength and control.

Sarah's core values are: kindness/empathy & take control of the circumstances

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