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Courage Is A Skill We Can Build

Donna Peters interviews serial entrepreneur and adventurer, Franziska Iseli, on her latest book, The Courage Map: 13 Principles to Living Boldly. Sir Richard Branson wrote the foreward and echoes the criticality of being courageous in all we do.   Some highlights include:

  • Courage is a skill that can be learned.  

  • Butterflies in the stomach means you're growing.

  • Courage is feeling fear about something and doing it anyway by taking calculated risks.

  • We need courage now more than ever to face the conversations we need to be having in our global community.

  • We all need to take more chances.  Take more shots.  

Franziska recognizes that everyone has different "courage boundaries."  For some, the monumental fear may be speaking to a stranger.  For others, the fear may be learning to swim.  In this episode, Franziska talks about one of the courage principles, Kindness.  Donna highlights her favorites of the 13 principles: Stories, Intention and Non-attachment.

Franziska is co-founder of multiple businesses in the marketing and brand strategy space.  She is on the Board of the Entrepreneur Organization (EO) and support her passion for sustainability by serving on panels at the university level and with the United Nations.  Born in Switzerland, she has traveled to over 100 countries and now resides in Australia.

Franziska's core values are: love unconditionally, trust, freedom, courage, evolution and impact.

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