Your Personal Triple Bottom Line
Almost 30 years ago, John Elkington introduced the concept of the “triple bottom line.” He sought to transform businesses from a traditional financial accounting focus to a more comprehensive approach for measuring impact and success.
Today, companies talk about their triple bottom line impact as:
Social, environmental, financial
People, planet, profit
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Corporate citizenship
With my Me-Suite hat on, I thought, “Why don’t we bring these leadership concepts from the businesses we most admire and apply them to the way we lead our own personal lives?”
I thought of my own personal “triple bottom line.” Here is the approach I’m taking for measuring my personal impact and success, aligned to my Core Values of Curiosity, Freedom and Respect:
People / Relationships
my relationships have a healthy balance of deposits and withdrawals
people I love know I love them and feel prioritized
I’m constantly curious and learning from others
Place / Planet
my blood work is in the normal range
my mind is healthy
I make daily decisions that support the environment in a way that makes me proud
retirement on track
travel experiences funded
charitable giving allocated
aging without children thoughtfully planned
Share measures from your personal triple bottom line. Let us learn from you.